Use Google Drive to sync blog posts with Windows Live Writer 2011

0j5f5h0jI believe everyone has the same issue with Windows Live Writer; it's sync'ing the blog posts, recent and drafts to some place that can be sync'd across machines.

Well, now that Google has released Google Drive you can now use Google drive to sync your data with them; beating Microsoft to the punch on their own service [postulating]…

What you need is:

Google account

Windows Live Writer 2011

and my Recent post and Drafts path changer app

Wow. There was an update to Windows Live Writer 2011…

about Windows Live Writer 15.4.3555.308

I was surprised to see there was an update to Windows Live Writer before Windows 8 came out. Honestly, I'm not able to even fathom why they did this, but only to find out if there's any bugs in it from the Windows Live Essentials team.

The previous version of Windows Live Writer was v15.4.3538.513 the new version is 15.4.3555.308. In the grand scheme of things that may sound great, on the flip side Microsoft still, in two years, and two updates to Windows Live Writer during this time, can't put a FIND AND REPLACE in the edit options for this offline blog editor.


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