Windows Live Writer 2012: How To Add 500 Top Domain Names To Your Auto-link LinkGlossary.XML [easy]
Windows Live Writer 2012: Continuing To Use An App That Microsoft Has Forgotten
I continue to be a little bit disappointed with Microsoft's progress on any development with Windows Live Writer. It seems that Microsoft has all but forgotten about Windows Live Writer. there hasn't been any updates to Windows Live Writer in quite some time in the program still lacks the basic ability for a find and replace function.
Having to come to the realization that Windows Live Writer may actually be a dead product to Microsoft, you have to start thinking about what application you're going to move to next. Such a concept is fairly depressing because Windows Live Writer has been such a well received application in the blogging community. It makes the overall blogging process so much easier, if for nothing more than being able to drag-and-drop images into the blog posts and to be able to see generally, what the blog post is going to look like before it's actually published.