How To Set Background Image In Windows Live Writer 2011

There’s been some users in the Windows Live Writer forums that have asked how to insert images behind a table, or how to establish a table with an image behind it; well this is going to be a nice resource for you.

I don’t understand why Windows Live Writer lacks these abilities. It was like this in the previous version of Windows Live Writer v14 [2009], and not much changed besides to GUI in 2011.

But this post is going to show you how to establish a table with a background image to a HTML table.

How To Reinstall Windows Live Writer 2011

Windows Live Writer reinstall toolboxUsers seem to be having issues with Windows Live Writer 2011 lately.

Some are reporting exception violations, others are reporting missing fonts and there’s other errors that keep Windows Live Writer from starting.

But from time to time the support staff in the forums advise people to simply reinstall Windows Live Writer 2011 on their machines; stating that the installation could be corrupt; and their right— it could be.

And they point them to a KB article..

I chose to do one a little more ‘different’… I like to include a few more options and information in my instructions. Things that might be useful to know.

Windows Live Writer 2011 - old post retrieval - pt2

imageThis post is a continuation/follow-up to another post I released earlier; addressing problems with being able to retrieve posts that were older, more than 100, via Windows Live Writer 2011.


I submitted this problem to Microsoft support for Windows Live Writer.

Here's the URL:

After a couple of days I got a response from the support team. They replied indicating that they would look into it, and then I received another reply with some web links.

I don’t think the first website really addresses the problem that I’m having specifically with Windows Live Writer and WordPress, but I think the second website was more specific to the point; the exact error that I was having.

Windows Live Writer 2011: How to Indent Text [alternatives]


Windows live writer doesn’t have a definitive indent function; it’s not altogether obvious. And the indent function is not represented in the toolbar.

Curiously enough, you can utilize the TAB function on the keyboard to indent text, but Windows live writer uses the the BLOCKQUOTE function from the HTML, but this doesn't always work for all themes/users; because all themes are different, they use CSS in many different ways, and the results my not be what you want.

If you’re comfortable with HTML, and custom style sheets, you can edit the CSS for the blog to adjust for this, but if you know NOTHING about CSS and HTML, there should be an option to account for something like this - but there’s not.

Well, it can be done with other options.

Problem Found: Windows Live Writer 2011 - Opening Old Posts


Windows Live Writer  2011 added more functionality to handle opening posts over 500 [for WordPress blogs], but I was trying to edit an old post the other day and it’s over 100 posts in the past, so I decided to test it out, as opposed to doing it the hard way.

I got an error:
The response to the
metaWeblog.getRecentPosts method received
from the blog server is invalid:
Invalid Response document returned from
XmlRpc server

I don’t know what the issue is, I’m posting it to the Windows Live Writer forum and I have my windows live writer log ready for them to review.

How to: Install Windows Live Essentials 2011 Offline

distributable version,microsoft team,offline version,temporary thing,livewriter,computer programs,wikipedia,pita,windows live messenger,internet connection,microsoftI’m not a big fan of web installers.

I find them a complete PITA because you may not always have an Internet connection, and if people like Microsoft start insisting on these types of installers it’s just going to be bad.

The new Windows Live Essentials just came out and everything for the Microsoft team seems just hunky-dory for them, but it’s not possible right now to find a distributable version of these packages.; surely there’s a reason, but I don’t care - I need an offline version.

I was checking out the web the other day and found an article about ‘offline Installers’ and I also think it’s very important to share this.


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