How to set a default FONT with Windows Live Writer 2011

pxeqq31oWindows Live Writer is a great application for offline bloggers and it’s even better for users that have absolutely no technical experience with blogs or HTML or CSS, but what Windows Live Writer doesn’t do is handle changing fonts on the blog.

Regardless of the blogging service [Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress, Etc.], Windows Live Writer doesn’t change that default font, BUT you can tell Windows Live Writer to use another font when your composing your blog post… essentially overriding the default FONT from the blog.

How to edit a published POST or PAGE with Windows Live Writer

uti1l4xeWindows Live Writer is a great offline blog tool and lots of bloggers fall in love with it’s abilities.

Windows Live Writer is a fantastic offline blogging tool with a WYSIWYG editor. It interfaces with just about any blog service [Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress, etc.] If you're a blogger you'll find this tool incredibly helpful- and it's refreshingly free from Microsoft.

Windows Live Writer is simple to use and yet some user still have issues with some of the simplest of functions; possibly because Windows Live Writer has no user manual.

But this is how to edit a published POST or PAGE

Tips for tagging posts with Windows Live Writer and WordPress

mnm5klvrWindows Live Writer is a great offline blog tool, but one the more laborious things with posts is tagging the post, if you do it.

And how important a tag is to a post, considering that Google says they don’t use tags, but the point of this post is to show how to use tags with posts, and some tips on using Windows Live Writer with WordPress [and tagging posts].

How to Publish a PAGE to WordPress

pvmbwa5iSo one of the common questions in the Windows Live Writer forum is can Windows Live Writer publish a PAGE to WordPress, and the answer is yes.

Actually, the function has been there for a long time. Sadly, and the purpose of this post, users normally don’t attention to the options of the application.

I believe this mainly because there’s no Windows Live Writer Users Manual; there’s no definitive way to look up, on the user’s own, if the application can do it or not. And the forum search doesn’t work, so here’s this…

Problem: Windows Live Writer 2011 crashing with Zemanta’s plug-in at 500+ words

imageI have two other posts to report on the issue that I’m having with Windows Live Writer 2011. The problem seems to be specific to using Zemanta’s plug-in for Windows Live Writer.

A couple of months ago [September 2010], I reported the error to Zemanta and they’ve been looking in to the issue.

One of their developers connected in to my system and I was able to show them the error, where it appeared, and I even zipped up all my plug-in DLL’s and sent them, so they could do some testing. At the time of this post the issue is still there… and a bit irritating to me because I can’t write a post without Windows Live Writer crashing at 460-500+ words; seems to be consistent at right at 460+ words.

So, I emailed them again for an update…

Windows Live Writer 2011: Keyboard Shortcuts

dvpup5djI never can find those silly keyboard shortcuts for Windows Live Writer, so I’m going to stop looking over and over; I found them and so therefore, I’m going to post them here.

And you can also find them here, from Microsoft and the Windows Live team, from there website here:

How to link an IMAGE to an email address

4hqobqaxOf course hanging out in the Windows Live Writer forums again, I found this question about linking an IMAGE to and EMail address.

Well, Windows Live Writer doesn't offer this by default, but it can be done.
And there's not a plug-in I know of that addresses this issue either...

So here’s the instructions on how to do it, plus check out the extra options you can tack on by using the MAILTO option…


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