Windows Live Movie Maker is a free offering from Microsoft that offers novice and average users the ability to edit video and from there, be able to share/publish it to Facebook, YouTube, eMail, DVD and even custom resolutions. It's a basic editor with very simplified interface, and it's part of the Windows Live Essentials Suite of applications.
And from time to time, in the Windows Live Movie Maker support forum, the question is resented on how to remove the Recent Projects history.
The quick answer is that you can't; not within the application. But the information can be removed because it's being stored in the registry. This requires some dumpster dving in to the Windows registry…
Here's the hard way…
Click the Windows "Start" button at the bottom left of your screen. Type "regedit" into the search box. Select the icon labeled "regedit," and click to open it. Accept the security prompts by selecting "Continue" or "Ok." Locate the folder labeled "HKEY_CURRENT_USER," and click the plus sign to the left of it. Scroll down the list, and locate the folder labeled "Software." Click on the plus sign once again. Scroll down the list, and select the plus sign next to the "Microsoft" folder. Keep scrolling to find the "Windows Live" folder, and click the plus sign. Select "Movie Maker," and click to show the contents in the right-hand list. Click on the "Recent" icon once to highlight it. Right-click, and scroll down to click "Delete." Select "Yes" from the prompt. |
and Done…
if your uncomfortable with that and just want to click on something and it be done for you…
Here's the easy way…
I wrote a small program to do this for you; it's completely free— you're welcome to use it.
You start off with this and NOT wanting to let others see what you've been working on… [haha]
Then you run my program… choose yes or no.
Yes… or No.
Yes… removes the entries from the registry.
No. Cancels the process; nothing happens— program closes.
But choosing YES …
Windows Live Movie Maker recent projects removed… restart Windows Live Movie Maker.
| WLMM_Remove Recent Projects application | ![]() |